Breathing Walls

Loyalty Logistics Breathing Walls

Loyalty Logistics’ latest tool in the battle to offset carbon emissions consists of Art installations at the locations of our shippers. These installations not only help our shipping partners market their commitments but also allow these murals to turn pollution into Oxygen with the help of our innovative LoyalGreen Solution.

This solution will allow the murals to convert pollution to Oxygen.  Murals can capture up to 1440 to 7200 Kgs of CO2 Annually or equivalent oxygen transformation of 120 to 600 mature trees daily.

Quick facts:

  • Loyalty offers Murals between 100-500 Sq. Meters.
  • Local artists used in the design to support the local economy.
  • Customers collaborate in the design process to showcase what images and messages will be displayed.
  • Application and maintenance costs are all assumed by Loyalty Logistics.
  • A special Primer is used to protect the original surface from any potential damage.
  • LoyalGreen Solution is semi-permanent with a guarantee of 5 years extended.
  • The product used to cover the mural has no harmful effects and is comprised of natural ingredients.

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